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HI :D i might just be stuck on the score 30 forever 


whats the record?

56 is the max score reached on steam, I don't track the scores here, so, who knows.

what is the base chance of it resetting? does it start at 0% to reset, then a 1%, 2% 3%, and so on, or does it start at like 10% to reset and increases each time.

starts at 0% and then 1% and so forth, so the max would be 100 before it has a 100% chance to reset

44 :o

(1 edit)

i got 30 with pure luck

(1 edit)

I got 37 w/ autoclicker


in just a couple tries

chances are against this completely

getting this max is a 1/591 run

actually its wayyy more, 1 in 1 followed by 157 zeros or 1 in 10^157

I had an image attached with the score, but it disappeared

BUT^2! I have just calculated it to be 31! tho 1 in 183 runs get that far, 1 in 591 runs end there! furthermore, the likelihood of getting 100 seems to be 1 in 10^42

another fun fact, losing at a score of 1 is less likely than getting as far as 29!

here's my chart (logarithmic didn't make it more readable)

alpha distributions baby


hold on why does 1 start so low, if this is the chance to lose, why does the rest drop to 0?

(1 edit)

it's the score probability, not the lose chance

basically, the probability of getting there and losing at that exact score

edit: to answer the 1 starting so low, it's very unlikely that you will lose with a low score, even though it's very likely that you'll get there


now 33!


I had 32 you gotta be kidding me

i got 36 after a half an hour and an auto clicker and it's a 5.5/10 ok game idk what else to say about it :3

i got to 1 on my first try


I got 29 in a couple tries

What is the world record

53 I believe


imagine getting 65535 (of course nobody ever did lol)

I got 65536

im pretty sure 100 is the maximum

I think it’s 99 because at 100 there’s 100% chance it resets



wow good

bro thats a new world record that like very good


stop lying bruh. we all know you didnt get 89 on your first try


dude when I saw the number I thought I was seeing things


l wish I had stoped and taken a screenshot

Bro that's just impossible, the probability is approximately 1/250 billion of billion of billion billion of billion, It's 1/250 followed by 29 zeros

(3 edits) (+2)

You don't need to wish!!! If you really were telling the truth you could take a screenshot now!! It tells you what your Max (Personal Record) was! AND NO INSPECT ELEMENT!! Anyways, Have a good day!! :)


how. simply how. WHAT IS YOUR LUCK MY GUY


Send a screenshot


I wish I had one man

💀world record is 54 and you got 89 wow!!!


bruh i only 28


lol only 29 :(

36 for me

im 29 o 0.1 

28 for me :(

35 :(


how do u check the leaderboard

45 repost


Anyone know what the record is


The world record is 53








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